DMY Cradle to Cradle Show / Berlin-Kreuzberg / 2009
FUNDAMENTAL SCHOOL was curator at the DMY Design-Festival Berlin 2009 of a cradle to cradle and sustainable design special. In the exhibition area at ÏMA Design Village /Kreuzberg, At the centre of the exhibition was the sculpture „1 Cubic Meter“ where an original Kreuzberg aldi-shopping-cart-house was rebuilt with DETOX wallpaper developed by FUNDAMENTAL SCHOOL. The installation proves that exhibition waste of a 100 sqm exihibition-space can be reduced to 1 cubic meter. FUNDAMENTAL SCHOOL showed selected products of Hermann Miller, Solarbier, Method, Eizo, Dyson, Solio and many more.
Research shows that during trade fairs at big exhibitions in London, Frankfurt, Milan etc.
1 m2 exhibition area equals 1 m3 waste.
The FUNDAMENTAL SCHOOL exhibition installation reduces waste by 99%:
100 m2 exhibition area equals 1 m3 waste
During DMY International Design Show in Berlin a space was created with the aim of highest material efficiency and zero waste. The widely-spread shopping cart house, a symbol of our consumption-led society, stood as model for the exhibition architecture. The shopping cart house was copied by using wood slats and was stabilised with Barns, a DETOX wallpaper.
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